Points are calculated based on the information provided. Dhanda Immigration does not hold any responsibility for getting ITA from BC PNP.
Directly related work experience points: |
Directly Related Work Experience in the Occupation of B.C Job Offer |
5+ Years | 4 to 5 Years | 3 to 4 Years | |
2 to 3 Years | 1 to 2 Years | less than Year | None |
At Least 1 year of directly related experince in Canada? |
Yes | No | Bonus Points |
Are you Currently working in B.C. for the employer in occupation identified in the BC PNP registration ? | Yes | No |
Highest Level of Education Points: |
Highest Level of Education | Doctoral |
Master's Degree | |
Post Graduate Certificate or Diploma | |
Bachelor's Degree | |
Associate Degree | |
Post Secondary Diploma/Certificate (Trade or Non Trade) | |
High School | |
*Post-graduate, post-degree or post-baccalaureate certificates or diplomas are postgraduate academic qualifications taken after a bachelor's degree. |
Is your Highest Level of education completed in Canada? * | Yes | No |
Post- Secondary education completed in BC | Yes | No |
Do you have Eligible Professional Designation in BC * | Yes | No |
Language Points: |
Language Points (CLB Level) | 9+ | 8 | 7 | |
6 | 5 | 4 | Below 4 or No Test |
Have you completed French Proficiency Test in Past two years? * |
Yes | No |
Have you scored CLB 4 or Higher in each of the four competencies* | Yes | No |
Annual wage of the B.C. job offer: |
Hourly Wage for Job offer in BC*(Your hourly remuneration,CAD) |
Area of Employment within B.C.: |
Select Area of Employment * | Area 1: Metro Vancouver Regional District |
Area 2: Squamish, Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission, and Chilliwack | |
Area 3: Areas of B.C. not included in Area 1 or 2 |
Did you graduate from Public B.C Post Secondary Institution located outside Area 1 within last 3 years?* |
Yes | No |
Have you worked 1 year fulltime or equivalent outside of Area 1 within 5 years ? |
Yes | No |
Total 2022 BC PNP Score |