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What an immigration consultant have to say about Agri-food pilot

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  • What an immigration consultant have to say about Agri-food pilot
  • June 19, 2023
  • By dhandaadmin

What an immigration consultant have to say about Agri-food pilot

Before we start our topic, let us tell you that immigration is a complex matter and you shouldn’t take it lightly. Watching a couple of videos and reading a few blogs will not help you. You can only gather the basic information, which is not enough.

Canada has more than 100 immigration programs and you could be eligible for more than one program. Do you know the immigration program that best suits your goal and perspective? There’re several things to consider such as eligibility, requirements, funds, permit and visa, insurance, accommodation, federal and provincial programs, and so on…

Do you want to spill water on your dream to immigrate to Canada just like that? Therefore, the idea is to hire a professional immigration consultant in Surrey. He is the one, who will navigate you through the complex immigration matter, in a professional and legal manner.

“Do you buy medicine watching YouTube videos, or do you consult with a specialist? The same formula applies when it comes to immigration.”

Choosing the right immigration pathway is crucial. If you have a special interest and work experience in agri-food sector, you need to choose the Agri Food Pilot Program, and not the International Mobility Program.

What is the Agri-Food Pilot Program?

The Agri-Food Pilot Program (a 3-year temporary program) is a Canadian immigration program that aims to attract and retain skilled foreign workers in specific agri-food industries. The program focuses on the following sectors –

  • Meat processing
  • Mushroom production
  • Greenhouse crop production
  • Nursery and floriculture
  • Animal husbandry – cattle, poultry, pigs, etc.
  • Food processing industries


It’s important to note that the program’s specific requirements & eligible occupations may change over time. It is not a program that will have many applicants, as it’s restricted (The program will accept 2,750 applications annually). And, like other immigration programs, it is entirely possible to obtain permanent residency through the Agri-Food Pilot Program. An immigration consultant in Surrey can help you with the application process.

Why the Government created the Agri-Food Pilot Program

People sometimes forget, or even don’t know, that Canada has a thriving food industry (as well as farms) that are vital to the Canadian economy. One of the reasons for creating the AFPP is to make sure that this productive sector does not stop or decrease due to the lack of manpower.

Not only will employers in these sectors have more applicants and skilled employees, they will also attract qualified foreigners who will see an opportunity to get the much-desired Canadian permanent residency. Of every 8 jobs in Canada, 1 is linked to the Agro-Food sector.

Who is eligible for the Canada Agri-Food Program

Unfortunately, this program is very restricted. A seasoned immigration consultant in Surrey can guide you well by collecting, assessing (do necessary changes if required), and submitting your documents and application online, preparing you for the entire process (test, examination, and interview), and keeping you informed. To be eligible, a candidate must meet these basic perquisites –

  • Have professional experience (Experience gained on an open work permit will not count)
  • Receive a job offer from a recognized Canadian employer in one of permitted industries
  • Only experience obtained through an LMIA (Temporary Foreign Worker Program) will count
  • Have the minimum score in the proficiency exam (IELTS or TEF)
  • Have at least a high school diploma (you will need to take an educational credential assessment)
  • Relevant work experience in the agri-food sector (At least 1 year full-time, 1,560 hours)
  • Prove that you have the necessary money to stay in Canada
  • You mean no harm to Canada
  • Prove that you will leave Canada once the permit expires

Having a job offer is crucial

To qualify for the Agri-Food Pilot Program (AFPP), you will need to have a job offer.  The job offer must be a Full-Time employment (30 hours per week). Employment cannot be seasonal. The job offer cannot be for the province of Quebec. Do not confuse Job Offer with the Professional Experience. They even look alike. The difference is that you will need both: Experience + Job Offer.

Language skills

Candidate can speak English or French. Or even both languages. Both are valid to be able to immigrate through Agri-Food. The program only asks for CLB 4 – Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening. The accepted tests are IELTS, CELPIP, TEF-Canada, and TCF-Canada.


In order to apply for this program, the applicant must prove to have at least secondary education. To do this, you will need to take an ECA (educational credential assessment). And it can’t have been done more than 5 years ago.

Financial capacity

The candidate will have to prove that he has enough money to settle in Canada. And this is done by sending copies of documents showing that the person has money available for Plan Canada. The only exception is if the candidate is already in Canada, working, with a valid work permit.

Eligible Occupations

Professions in Canada are qualified and listed in the NOC. The NOC is an index of all occupations known and practiced in Canada/Surrey. Each profession has a code and this code is for a person to quickly find out what their profession is, and exactly what their attributions are.

In the end

The Government of Canada wants to spread the immigrants and future permanent residents throughout the country to avoid everyone ending up going only to the big centers like Toronto and Montreal. The Agri-Food Pilot Program is one of the options with such objective. For more information, get in touch with our immigration consultant in Surrey at Dhanda Immigration Consultancy Inc. We’ve years of experience in driving international talents to the right way in Canada.